DADADADA - Running a FW Update in DAX custom FW
80020321 - Ran a game that doesn't support NO-UMD* (DAX FW ONLY!)
80020148 - Unsupported PRX type | This error also seems to appear when you are running an iso with a fake mem. stick
80000001 - Got it when trying to run PSP filer version 3.6 on 3.40 firmware (probably a kernel selection problem)
98765432 - Selected a language who's font has been removed. DAX FW ONLY ERROR!
8001006F - Remote Play connection error. Most likely when no PS3 is sending a signal over your network.
80110404 - Network error, try restore default settings to fix
00000001 - WiFi error. Occurs when no access points are detected in official 3.7X and custom 3.7X firmware.**
80410A0B - Loose WiFi card
80410702 - Your firmware MAC address does not match the PSP's MAC address
80410A05 - Disconnected from server or Access point (Try reconnecting!)
80431075 - Wrong password on Remote Play
8041040B - Communication with the server failed. DNS error has occured.
80010068 - Communication with the server failed.
80432060 - Communication with the server failed.
80431063 - Lost connection in the middle of a download (Save Failed)
8010A007 - Error downloading (Reason unknown)
80110482 - Incompatible Lan security (or Wlan is off)
0000002 - Unknown, possible security reason (Web browser SSL)
80431072 - The file you are downloading is unavailable or does not exist or is cached and the psp is unable to save.
80410416 - The website you are trying to access doesn't allow you to enter.
8041040F - DNS error
80410414 - DNS error
80410418 - PSP Unable to obtain IP address
FFFFFFFF - PSP update failed (or save failed)
UKN9000001 - update cant start, data corrupt
80000004 - its just a general error code that the PSP spits out when it doesn't understand something... could mean anything really.
--Memory Stick--
80110305 - Load failed.The Memory Stick could not be acessed
80110307 - Load Failed There is no Data available
80010087 - Error reading UMD or UMD not present
800200D1 - Ran homebrew without Homebrew enabled firmware.
8002014C - Ran kxploited homebrew without Homebrew enabled firmware.
CA000005 - keys.bin not found when trying to run a PS1 game.
80010002 - Putting the POPS EBOOT in the wrong folder | Also may be a corrupt ISO
80110306 - Unknown
840140D01 - USB wifi problem (Try plugging in the USB wifi in other USB ports)
8008273A - Internal error, try and resetting the settings, restarting the psp, if all fails, probably should send it back to sony.
*-Disable no-UMD in recovery menu in DAX Custom FW ONLY
**- This was fixed in later versions
Here is a list of problems and possible solutions
- = Problem definition
+ = Solution
80410702 (Ad-Hoc Error)
- Your firmware MAC address does not match the PSP's MAC address
+ Send your hardware back to Sony.
A connection error has occured. The search for an access point has timed out.
- Router is not working properly, or PSPs IP is similair
+ Power Cycle your router.
+ Hard Rese your router.
+ Make a new connection with your PSP
Communication with the server timed out
Error code: (80410A05)
- You have been disconnected to the server.
- You have lost connection to the router.
+ Try connecting again closer to the WAP.
A connection error has occured (Remote Play)
Error code: (80431075)
- You had entered a wrong security key/password to a protected network.
Never ending connecting to the access point and obtaining IP cycle.
- Unable to obtain IP address due to MAC Filtering.
+ Check your router settings if your PSP's MAC is allowed in the filter.
Communication with the server failed. DNS error has occured.
Error code : (8041040B)
- The server does not allow you to view the page.
Save Failed
Error code: (FFFFFFFF)
- Unknown
Communication with the server failed
Error code: (80010068)
- unknown, possible server problem that you are trying to connect to.
Communication with the server failed
Error code : (80432060)
- unknown, possible server problem that you are trying to connect to.
"Save Failed"
Error code: (80431063)
- The PSP lost connection to the server you are trying to downlaod.
+ Restart your download again and try
+ Restart your router and modem then try again.
"A connection error has occured"
Error code: (840140D01)
- USB wifi problem
+ Try plugging in the USB wifi in other USB ports.
Communication with the server failed
Error code : (80010068)
- The PSP cannot establish proper connection to the server you are trying to open.
Save Failed
Error code : (8010A007)
- Unknown, Showed up when I tried to download a file from the internet through PSP.
A connection error has occured
Error code : (80110482)
- Security reason (WEP) 128bit encryption
- Hardware incompatibility
+ Turn WLAN power save to "OFF"
+ change your security settings to WPA if possible
Communication With The Server Failed
Error Code : (0000002)
- Unknown, possible security reason (Web browser SSL)
Save Failed
Error code : (80431064)
- Server is unable to communicate properly
- The file you downloaded is already saved or it has a same file name.
- The file you had downloaded is probably corrupted.
Communication with the server failed. DNS error has occured.
Error code:(80410411)
- Invalid network address
- WLAN Power Save is on.
+ Check the web address that you had entered. Add www. to the address.
You have disconnected from the network
Error code: (80410B0F) (GameSharing)
- You had lost connection to the host of the game.
Communication with the server failed
Error code: (80431061)
- Unknown
* occured when saving/downloading a video or a music from a server or through RSS. I have no clue why this happened.
DNS Error communication with server failed
Error code : (8041040D)
- The PSP cannot retrieve any IP/DNS address from the server.
- Router Security problem.
Communication with the server failed. DNS error has occured.
Error code : (80410410)
Possible reasons :
- Modem is not online or not connected in the network.
- Your PSP's IP address are probably simillar to the ones connected in your network.
- Your DHCP is disabled
+Try restarting your modem or check its connectivity.
+ Check your PSP IP address and compare it to your computer. If they are the same choose a different IP address for your PSP.
+ Try resetting your router into its factory settings since you wont be able to connect to the router if this is disabled. Then reset your modem and renew your DHCP.
- Your Router is not connected to the modem.
Communication with the server failed.
Error Code : (8001006F)
- You are not allowed to access this server since its private.
- You cannot access the server since its still "offline" (Killzone.com Online problem)
DNS Error
Error code : (80410D06)
+ Check your WAP pass if correct.
Error code : (80410D07)
- The PSP can detect the signal of the wireless device but the PSP cannot connect to the router properly.
Internal Error Has Occured
Error Codes : (80110404), (80410A0B), (8008273A)
- Possible device/software malfunction
+ Restart device / take out the battery
+ Restore default settings
+ If none of this works, you can send it back to SONY.
A Communication With the Server failed.
Error code : (80410418)
- The PSP is unable to obtain IP address.
+ Check your router's firewall if its blocking the PSP.
+ Turn off the proxy in the PSP.
A Communication With the Server failed. A DNS error has occured.
Error code : (80410414)
- The website you are trying to view is unavailble.
- Check the web address you typed in.
- Time out error
+ Try viewing a different site and see if it works.However, it is probably caused by your router blocking the site. Check your firewall settings.
A Communication With the Server Failed. A DNS error has occured.
Error code: (8041040F)
- You had entered a wrong DNS address.
+ Turn off 802.11e QoS under SSID (Belkin Pre-N)
+ Check your settings in the computer by going to Start>Run>CMD then type ipconfig/all.
A Connection Error has Occured. The attempt to obtain the IP address timed out.
- If using the PPoE,You entered a wrong username or password.
+ Check your username and pass
+ Check if you have internet connection.
+ Enable your DCHP server.
+ Restart your router.
+ Be sure to check your IP address and Primary/Secondary DNS to match what in your computer.
+ Check your WEP password if you correctly typed it.
Error Code : (80410416)
- The web site you're trying to access is refusing access.
- No connection to the DNS server / failed connection.
+ Enter a different URL
The connection to the server has timed out.
- There is no response from the server that you are trying to connect.
Access point not detected.
- You are too far away from the access point.
+ Check your SSID if correct retype it again if you get the same problem.
+ Get closer to your router/hotspot
A connection error has occured. You have been disconnected from the access point
- You might had been blocked from the access using your PSP's IP address or MAC address.
- The router has turned off.
+ get closer to the hotspot
A connection error has occured. A connection to the access point could not be established. Check the security settings for the network and try again.
- Your router is probably in g mode only
- Signal is too weak
- Firewall blocking your PSP
+ Change your settings to G and B mode.
+ Get closer to your router.
A connection error has occured. The key information exchange timeout.
- You are trying to access the internet that is not secured. However, in your settings you might had put a security code.
- You might had entered a wrong password.
+ Restart your router since this is a security problem and this is nothing to do with the modem.
Never ending connecting to the access point and exchanging key cycle.
- You entered a wrong password.
Internet Browser errors/RSS Errors
400 Bad Request
- You are using a wrong proxy.
HTTP 401 error(WEB)error
- Website is unavailable or not found.
- You are not authorized to view this site.
Bad Request
- This is a cookie problem stored into your memory stick which creates conflict to the server you are connecting to.
+ Deleting your cookies then restart your PSP.
+ If this problem remains even after doing the first step then restore to default settings.
Not enough memory
- The page you are viewing is too big for the PSP to handle. (4mb in total)
+ LATEST FIRMWARE : Go to tools - settings - conserve memory - on.
+ Try closing some tabs then refresh the webpage.
+ Disable your cache. This will take out the limit of 2000kb (or lower) to at least 3-4mb of the PSP's ram then reset the webpage. (This will make your PSP to load the webpages slower everytime you press refresh)
+ If non of this works then please refer to my first reason.
History and Favourites not showing/saving
- You made manual changes in the PSP system files.
+ Reformat your memory stick
The server doesn't support this feature (RSS)error
- The server doesnt allow you to stream/download the file.
+ If this shows up and you are trying to stream the file, download it.
Save Failed (WEB)error
Error Code : (80431072)
- The file you are downloading is unavailable or does not exist.
- The file is already cached but it failed to save the file.
+ Re download the file again.
Web Browsing TIPS and FACTS
* "Do you want to run the plugin embedded in this page?" - flash related, choose yes if you want to run flash. (PSP Version 3.00+)
* Holding X button for 3 seconds while on the link will open the link in the new tab.
* Disabling your cache migt help you to view larger pictures and other websites.
* The red, yellow, and blue bars represents how much of the webpage is already loaded.
* Disable images if you are recieving "Not enough memory" too much. The downside is your cannot view the images but you can read the text.
* The PSP has Flash Player 6.0 this means you cannot view any flash files that requires higher versions like viewing "YouTube" or "Google Video".
* To view Google Images disable your Javascript by going to TOOLS-SETTINGS-VIEW SETTINGS- JAVASCRIPT OFF. If this doesnt work click here.
* Close any tab that is not in use.
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