Anyone else seeing blank posts? Im seeing them both on tapatalk and on windows 7 firefox. Click in to view a post and nothing is there. Not every post mind, only a few....
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Anyone else seeing blank posts? Im seeing them both on tapatalk and on windows 7 firefox. Click in to view a post and nothing is there. Not every post mind, only a few....
Yes I'm getting that too on iPad. Strange.
Yes same here on chrome
Same on Chrome & IE .
And here on firefox..
getting it on chrome & on IE... on nearly all posts
getting it on chrome & on IE...
And on Tapatalk if that helps.
Tapatalk is now showing me 50% empty threads. Opens to a 'you have reached end of thread' message with nothing there.
Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
Me too.. Chrome
Yep same here on Comodo
not had the problem here using chrome
scratch that - getting nothing on a few including this one
You know he grew up as a little shitspark from the old shitflint and then he turned into a shitbonfire and driven by the winds of his monumental ignorance he turned into a raging shitfirestorm. If I get to be married to Barb I'll have total control of Sunnyvale and then I can unleash the shitnami tidal wave that will engulf Ricky and extinguish his shitflames forever. And with any luck he'll drown in the undershit of that wave. Shitwaves.
Seeing quite a few. In fact every post from over 10 hours ago.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
"The Internet" is an acronym for "Totally Free"
CallmeGoose (24th June 2014)
Same here...Chrome, FF.
same here - using chrome
I thought I was going mad. Due to circumstances been away from forum for ages, back in today and apart from latest on right everything blank on Ipad, chrome and Mozilla
Rodger that same issue, tried using IE 11, latest chrome , mozilla. i
Tried posting in the flooring thread bb started and it won't let me with Tapatalk, says it's an invalid thread
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
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